God has plans for our children

Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Take a nap

Some days Summer can get away with not taking a nap; other days she NEEDS a nap. She gets so frustrated, everything makes her upset, it gets to the point sometimes where she is too mad to sleep. Isn't this how we get?

We get so frustrated with our finances, work, family, or even church. We get so overwhelmed that everything is an irritant and offense. We get so emotionally wound up that we don't know where or how to spiritually calm ourselves down enough to rest. 

Well we as parents need to find time to rest and recharge so we can be better parents, so we can pull the all nighters, so we can clean the epic messes and dispel the craziest tantrums.

Matthew 11:28 Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 

Rest is a relaxing period free from exertion. In the above verse Jesus tells us we can get rest through Him. Sometimes these days are a labor, they even feel heavy at times. Jesus tells us to come to Him. What a relief to find rest in Christ Jesus. So when you start getting overwhelmed and easily offended, take a few steps back, find a way of escape and go take a spiritual nap. 

Thank you father for the sabbath. Thank you for reminding us of the importance of resting in you. Thank you for the beautiful children you have entrusted us with and the wonderful lessons they bring. In Jesus name, amen. 

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Let it go God will Multiply it

Summer was on my phone playing a game but my phone had a low battery. I plugged in my charger near her table so she could sit and play on my phone while it charged. However, getting the phone from her hands to plug it in was a battle. If she'd just let me plug it into a power source, she could play for hours; without it she had minutes. 

It made me think, "What am I not giving back to God?" Sometimes in life we hold on so hard to friendships, relationships, jobs, money and even our time. God doesn't take anything from us unless its to bless us, but letting go can also be a blessing to those around us. 

In John 6 Jesus feeds the 5,000 and has food left over because a little boy gave what little he had. This action not only blessed the boy but those around him. Further in John 19 Jesus gave his life for millions and has blessed is tremendously.

So if you feel God prompting you to let something go, or if someone in your life is leaving you behind. It's ok. Let go, plug into the source and expect something great!

Thank you for being our ever present power source. Thank you for the things you have removed and added to our lives. We trust you and we live out our lives in anticipation. Following your word and looking for your lessons and blessings in our everyday lives. You are amazing and we love you. In Jesus name, Amen.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Annoyances or strengths?

Yesterday my husband and I talked about our differences and though they cause annoyances at times they are often a blessing. For example, I am very creative, Kristian is very efficient. Well, creativity is a process and being efficient doesn't always yield my desired results. Creativity is also very spontaneous so Kristian doesn't always know what to expect from me, which is frustrating for someone who doesn't like surprises. These differences are a great blessing in our lives, family and marriage. I need security and knowing my husband is diligent and willing to go the extra mile provides me with a sense of security. It also gives security to our children because they know that daddy always comes home, and that he will drop everything and play with them. My creativity helps make our family fun. I love finding new ways to explore things with the kids and new approaches to teach them the things they need to know. 
This got me thinking, what are some things about the kids that are challenging but a blessing to our family? Summer is unrelentingly persistent. I know it's redundant but if you met her you will agree, it fits. She in unwavering when she wants something. She makes us stop and analyze our interaction with God. She teaches us to stop and play, to color outside the lines and to dance in the grocery store aisles. She brings us such joy.
KJ is so calm and peaceful, no matter what. We've been having really rough nights so we haven't been getting much sleep but when he wakes up and I go into his room he looks up at me and smiles. Teaching us though life gets hard, joy can prevail. At 4.5 mos old we are still learning his personality but he is a great blessing. Defiantly a calm in the midst of the storm of life. 
I just want to encourage you today to look at your child(ren)'s personality even the things that annoy you and how those traits bless your family. It's not by accident your child is in your care. Acts 17:26 "And He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has determined their preappointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings," God picked you to care for them, he trusted you with their little souls to raise to be who they will be. 
Thank you God for these little people who come equity with such wonderful lessons of your love. Please continue to equip us with the knowledge of your word so we can use wisdom in raising our children. Please send people into our lives that will call out the best in us as people, parents, and your children. Help is be a blessing and to raise blessings. In Jesus name, amen.